Recent Cyber Attacks 2022

It was conducted by APT 29, an organized cybercrime group connected to the Russian government. Another alarming statistic is that public companies lose an average of 8% of their stock value after a successful breach. Computer emergency response teams are set up by governments and large organizations to handle computer security incidents. It was the most significant cybercrime attack on an Irish state agency and the largest known attack against a health service computer system.

When there is an unauthorized system/network access by a third party, we term it as a cyber attack. The person who carries out a cyberattack is termed as a hacker/attacker. The vulnerability to this type of cyber security attack depends on the fact that SQL makes no real distinction between the control and data planes. Therefore, SQL injections work mostly if a website uses dynamic SQL. Additionally, SQL injection is very common with PHP and ASP applications due to the prevalence of older functional interfaces.

The Informatic Directorate of the Greek Parliament identified an attempt to hack into 60 parliamentary email accounts. In response, authorities temporarily shut down the mailing system in the legislature. On February 15, a DDoS attack knocked websites belonging to the Ukrainian Defense Ministry and two of the country’s largest banks offline.

The intent might be to inflict reputational damage or harm to a business or person, or theft of valuable data. Cyber attacks can target individuals, groups, organizations, or governments. Cybercriminals use many different methods to launch a cyber attack, a phishing attack, an exploitation of compromised credentials, and more. From this initial access, cybercriminals can go on to achieve different objectives including malware infections, ransomware, denial of service attack, data theft, and more. A cyberattack occurs when cybercriminals try to gain illegal access to electronic data stored on a computer or a network. Cyberattacks can target individuals, groups, organizations, or governments.

In other configurations, an access number is generated on a handheld device that the user has to log in to. The user can only access the secure area if both the password and the RealCyberDoctor number are correct. In July 2020, Twitter was breached by a group of three attackers, who took over popular Twitter accounts. They used social engineering attacks to steal employee credentials and gain access to the company’s internal management systems, later identified by Twitter as vishing .

Likewise, the personally motivated, such as disgruntled current or former employees, will take money, data or a mere chance to disrupt a company's system. Socio-political motivated attackers seek attention for their causes. As a result, they make their attacks known to the public—also known as hacktivism.

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